Dungeons + Drama Nerds is a podcast produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nicholas Orvis, three dramaturgs interested in the intersection of theatre and tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGS). Episodes release weekly alternating between Actual Play and Commentary episodes investigating a certain TTRPG system. Season 2 will feature: Blades in the Dark, Bluebeard's Bride, Kids on Bikes, Oh Dang! Bigfoot Stole My Car With My Best Friend's Birthday Present Inside!, and Lancer. Season 1 featured: Dungeons & Dragons (Eps 1-13), Apocalypse World (Eps 14-33), and Paranoia (Eps 34-46).

Saturday May 16, 2020
Episode 1: Session Zero
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
In our inaugural episode, Percy, Todd, and Nick explain their work as dramaturgs, their love of tabletop role-playing games, and how they plan to unite those two things in this podcast. Tune in to episode 2 for the beginning of the first campaign, a game of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.

Saturday May 16, 2020
Episode 2: Sweet Hotness
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
In this episode, we kick off our first actual play campaign, a game of 5th edition DnD! Tune in next week for an interview with our playwright and module creator, Matthew Minnicino!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.

Wednesday May 27, 2020
Episode 3: Meet the Playwright - Matt Minnicino
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
In this episode, Percy interviews Matt Minnicino, the creator of our adventure! They talk playwriting, death of the author, and the pass without trace spell. Tune in next week for the continuation of our 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons adventure, Of Mice and Monsters!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Episode 4: Into the Woods
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
We continue our 5th edition DnD adventure, Of Mice and Monsters - join our heroes as they meet perhaps the only helpful person in the entire town and venture into the mysterious woods!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Episode 5: Meet the Cast - DnD 5e
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Meet the cast of our 5th edition DnD adventure and learn about the inspiration behind their characters.
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Tune in next week for the next installment of Of Mice and Monsters!
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean. Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Episode 6: Fuck This Mouse
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Our heroes come up against their most formidable foe yet.
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.
Join us next week for a commentary episode analyzing the storytelling mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons!

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Episode 7: Storytelling in Dungeons & Dragons
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Percy, Todd, and Nick dig into the way the mechanics of DnD affect our ability to tell stories in this medium.
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Episode 8: My Best Friend Did Science On Me!
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Our adventure continues as our party faces the most dire threat yet!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Episode 9: Player as Performer and Audience
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
This week, Todd, Nick, and Percy discuss the role of the player as both performer and as the audience in tabletop role-playing games.
Works Referenced:
Lehmann, Niels, and Janek Szatkowski. “Theatrical Virtuality - Virtual Theatricality: Virtual Narrative, Autonomous Agents and Interactivity in a Dramaturgical Perspective.” In Virtual Applications: Applications with Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds, 49–88. London: Springer-Verlag London Ltd., 2004.
Alston, Adam. “Audience Participation and Neoliberal Value: Risk, Agency and Responsibility in Immersive Theatre.” Performance Research 18, no. 2 (April 1, 2013): 128–38. https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2013.807177.
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Adams Media (October 8, 2019)
Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab:
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Episode 10: Vulthoom!
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
The finale of our Dungeons and Dragons adventure! Will our heroes defeat Kosh? Will Bart be literally any help at all? What will happen to Secomber?
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds! While you’re here, please consider donating to Black Lives Matter or supporting the cause in one of the other ways outlined here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dnddramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Of Mice and Monsters, our Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition adventure, was written by Matthew Minnicino, featuring Christopher Diercksen as Chadrick Bosley, Kevin R. Free as Sriracha, Rene Goddess as Nokuzola, Nicholas Orvis as Gavin the Glorious, and Percy Hornak as our dungeon master.