Dungeons + Drama Nerds is a podcast produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nicholas Orvis, three dramaturgs interested in the intersection of theatre and tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGS). Episodes release weekly alternating between Actual Play and Commentary episodes investigating a certain TTRPG system. Season 2 will feature: Blades in the Dark, Bluebeard's Bride, Kids on Bikes, Oh Dang! Bigfoot Stole My Car With My Best Friend's Birthday Present Inside!, and Lancer. Season 1 featured: Dungeons & Dragons (Eps 1-13), Apocalypse World (Eps 14-33), and Paranoia (Eps 34-46).

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Episode 41: It's Fun to Go Wheeeee Splash!
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Squick, QWERTY, Edward, and A111iiE111Eee continue searching for the nerve cluster at Friend Computer's request; this week, they meet up with some old friends, chat about the birds and the bees, and even shoot some trouble!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds. While you’re here, please consider donating to a bail fund in your area to support ongoing protests for Black lives: https://bailfunds.github.io/
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Saving 73 Jpegs I desperately Need, our Paranoia Campaign, is written and GMed by Ben Ferber and Features Todd Brian Backus as Squik-R-BDE-002, Kory Flores as A111iiE111Eee-R-V1olence-3, Mieko Gavia as QWERTY-R-ABC-3, and Romana Isabella as Edward-R-NRV-02.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in next week as we continue Saving 73 Jpegs I Desperately Need!

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Episode 42: Paranoid Plays, or, Put Ghosts In Your Goddamn Play, You Cowards
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
This week, Nick, Todd, and Percy dig into three plays that explore fear and paranoia in performance, debate the definitions of suspense vs paranoia, and talk horror as a genre and how best to represent it onstage.
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds. While you’re here, please consider donating to support efforts to combat recent violence against Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) folks in the United States: https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/stop-aapi-hate
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Saving 73 Jpegs I desperately Need, our Paranoia Campaign, is written and GMed by Ben Ferber and Features Todd Brian Backus as Squik-R-BDE-002, Kory Flores as A111iiE111Eee-R-V1olence-3, Mieko Gavia as QWERTY-R-ABC-3, and Romana Isabella as Edward-R-NRV-02.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in next week as we continue Saving 73 Jpegs I Desperately Need!

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Episode 43: Gunpowder Bae
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Our Paranoia crew continues on their mission to find the server for Friend Computer but are forced to finally confront Bigzo, using a shop vac, laser rifles, and the power of working class solidarity.
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds. While you’re here, please consider donating to a bail fund in your area to support ongoing protests for Black lives: https://bailfunds.github.io/
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Saving 73 Jpegs I desperately Need, our Paranoia Campaign, is written and GMed by Ben Ferber and Features Todd Brian Backus as Squik-R-BDE-002, Kory Flores as A111iiE111Eee-R-V1olence-3, Mieko Gavia as QWERTY-R-ABC-3, and Romana Isabella as Edward-R-NRV-02.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in next week as we continue Saving 73 Jpegs I Desperately Need!

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Episode 44: Backstories For All Who Want Them
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Nick, Todd, and Percy talk character backstory across different RPGs - how much is too much? Do you need it at all?
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds. While you’re here, please consider donating to a bail fund in your area: https://bailfunds.github.io/
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Saving 73 Jpegs I desperately Need, our Paranoia Campaign, is written and GMed by Ben Ferber and Features Todd Brian Backus as Squik-R-BDE-002, Kory Flores as A111iiE111Eee-R-V1olence-3, Mieko Gavia as QWERTY-R-ABC-3, and Romana Isabella as Edward-R-NRV-02.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in next week as we continue Saving 73 Jpegs I Desperately Need!

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Episode 45: We Saved 73 JPEGs You Desperately Need (A Conclusion and Interview Episode)
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Our Paranoia crew saves Friend Computer's JPEGs, and, more importantly, gets those sweet, sweet experience points. Then, the cast chats with Percy to talk about the campaign and hear all of Ben's GM secrets!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds. While you’re here, please consider donating to the ongoing fight to stop violent hate crimes against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders: https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/stop-aapi-hate
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Saving 73 Jpegs I desperately Need, our Paranoia Campaign, is written and GMed by Ben Ferber and Features Todd Brian Backus as Squik-R-BDE-002, Kory Flores as A111iiE111Eee-R-V1olence-3, Mieko Gavia as QWERTY-R-ABC-3, and Romana Isabella as Edward-R-NRV-02.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in next week as we continue Saving 73 Jpegs I Desperately Need!

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Episode 46: Ultraviolet Clearance - GMing Paranoia
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
This week, we talk about the GMing style built into Paranoia and the effect it has on gameplay.
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds. While you’re here, please consider donating to continue the fight against dangerous anti-trans legislation in Arkansas: https://www.intransitive.org/donate
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Saving 73 Jpegs I desperately Need, our Paranoia Campaign, is written and GMed by Ben Ferber and Features Todd Brian Backus as Squik-R-BDE-002, Kory Flores as A111iiE111Eee-R-V1olence-3, Mieko Gavia as QWERTY-R-ABC-3, and Romana Isabella as Edward-R-NRV-02.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in next week as we continue Saving 73 Jpegs I Desperately Need!

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Episode 47: Moving Towards A Shared Dramaturgy; or, Season 1 Wrap Up and Mail Bag
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Todd, Nick, and Percy celebrate the end of season 1 with some reflections on the season and on their evolving thoughts about theatre and tabletop role-playing games. They also answer some listener questions!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds, and for joining us for Season 1. While you’re here, please consider donating to continue the fight against dangerous anti-trans legislation in Arkansas: https://www.intransitive.org/donate
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com. Tune in soon for our Season 2 announcement!

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Episode 48: Season 2 Announcement - Blades in the Bride of the Kids on Bigfoot's Lancer
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Todd, Nick, and Percy share the full slate of games for the second season of Dungeons + Drama Nerds. Mark your calendars for the first episode of Season 2, which releases May 26!
Thanks for listening to Dungeons and Drama Nerds, and for joining us for Season 1. While you’re here, please consider donating to continue the fight against dangerous anti-trans legislation in Arkansas: https://www.intransitive.org/donate
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percy Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.

Wednesday May 26, 2021
S2E1: Start Ticking Those Progress Clocks, Baby!
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Todd, Nick, and Percy kick off season two by introducing the game we're playing for this season's first actual play: Blades in the Dark! They go over the rules and discuss the things they love about the system. Tune in next week for the start of session 0 for our Blades in the Dark campaign!
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percival Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Our Blades in the Dark campaign features Elliot Peterson as GM, T.P. Huth as Princess Mirena Alonda Gracielle Valerio of the Grayfire Line, Whitney Lehn Meltz as Wick, Nicholas Orvis as Milos Jeduin, Dex Phan as Gabe, and Ran Xia as Ellery Crow.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
S2E2: Cast of Characters: Blades in the Dark Session 0, Part 1
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Our Blades in the Dark campaign begins with character creation, and our intrepid heroes (?) begin to come to life. Join us next week as the cast creates their crew and figures out where they stand among the factions of Duskvol.
Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percival Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.
Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, dungeonsanddramanerds.com.
Our Blades in the Dark campaign features Elliot Peterson as GM, T.P. Huth as Princess Mirena Alonda Gracielle Valerio of the Grayfire Line, Whitney Lehn Meltz as Wick, Nicholas Orvis as Milos Jeduin, Dex Phan as Gabe, and Ran Xia as Ellery Crow. Blades in the Dark was written by John Harper and published by Evil Hat Productions in association with One Seven Design.